Welcome to the Australian Association of Equine Podiotherapists website
We have been developed to support and connect professionals across Australia who have graduated or are undertaking the Diploma of Equine Podiotherapy.
To find a current member in your area, please check our Members listing pages for Graduates and Current Students. To apply for membership, please download and complete the Membership Application form available from the menu at the top of the page.
Please also keep in touch with the Association through our Facebook page: Australian Association of Equine Podiotherapists (@eptassoc)
If you have any trouble accessing the membership form, the PDF form is available by clicking here: AAEP MSHP FORM
2024 Association AGM - 7pm Sunday 11th August 2024 via Zoom
We would love to see/hear you at the AGM and please consider joining the Committee, we need as many committee members as possible to move forward and also gives "bums on seats" to allow us to run meetings with a quorum minimum.
Details for the zoom will be emailed to members or contact us on eptassociation@gmail.com (please note our secretary Lisa has just had a baby so may be a delay on replies).
Association Committee: Michelle Linke (Acting-President), Lisa Agius-Gilibert (Secretary & Acting Treasurer), Kathryn Christieson (Social Media), Charlotte Catmull, Emma Fowler-Hand, Jessica McHale & Lily Bunton-King.
Looking for help to build your Hoof Care Business?
Our amazing Secretary Lisa Agius-Gilibert has created The Glorious Hoof Academy which is a 12 week Step-By-Step Program to show you how to nail the essentials and level up your Hoof Care Business.
If you would like to know more please jump onto http://theglorioushoof.com.au/The-Glorious-Hoof-Academy/ and check out her amazing work covering all the moving parts of being your own boss (much harder than you would think). Well done Lisa!
The Barefoot Blacksmith Workshops - Encourage Clients to learn Maintenance Trimming!
Standard and Advanced Workshops are running throughout the year and across the country so keep an eye on what's happening and encourage your clients to learn to maintenance trimming their own horses between professional hoofcare visits.
Check out the link below to find out more details about the locations and dates:
Trimming Workshops - The Barefoot Blacksmith (barehoofcare.com)